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Drawing Board for Rhvac Upgrade from 1 to 2

Drawing Board for Rhvac Upgrade from 1 to 2


This product upgrades your Drawing Board for Rhvac version 1 to version 2. You may only purchase this product if you already have a license for Drawing Board for Rhvac version 1.

If you use a version of Drawing Board before version 2, it will not work with Rhvac 10. So you will need to purchase this upgrade in order to use Drawing Board in Rhvac 10.

New features include duct elbows with a more realistic appearance, a new Air Handler Box object, and the ability to rotate or mirror rooms on the drawing.

Software Requirements: You must have active licenses for Rhvac and Drawing Board for Rhvac version 1. If you do not have an active license for Drawing Board for Rhvac, then order the Drawing Board for Rhvac product instead.

Drawing Board Info Page | Download Functional Demo (Included in Rhvac)

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